Teentips Wellbeing Hub

Access to the Wellbeing Hub is strictly limited to the families of The Marches School.

We have purchased a set number of coupons for the families in our community, and we have taken into account those who might need more than one coupon.

Sharing the link and/or coupon code outside of this private portal is strictly prohibited as detailed in Clause 6.1 of the Teen Tips Terms & Conditions, which you will be asked to agree to when you register.

To Register For The Wellbeing Hub
1) Click here to register
2) Register yourself via the portal

Weekly Content Updates
To ensure you always receive new content updates, we suggest you mark the following email addresses as ‘safe-senders’ in your spam email preferences: info@teentips.co.uk and hub@teentips.co.uk.

If you have any specific queries about access, please contact the team at hub@teentips.co.uk.

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